He’s here 💙 December baby turned November.


My sons due date was December 17th but being that my previous pregnancy I delivered early I knew there was no chance we’d make it to our due date. With that being said after 3 1/2hrs of labor 36 weeks and 6 days November 25th my son made his way into the world. I had already been in the first stages of labor for 1 week and 1 day which was very hard on me! My water broke Monday while my husband was at work I told him he needed me to come home and get me and our daughter so we could go have this baby. I was checked at 1:40pm and I was 4cm 80 effaced within that hour my contractions became super strong and they had me on pitocin for maybe 20 minutes then I requested the epidural they came in at 2:40 and after prepping me and what not while the epidural was happening I felt the baby coming and started screaming I need to push. No one believed me until I forced myself to lay down and start pushing. My husband came running in the room and I lost it. I felt no pain whatsoever but I was scared that I messed up my back because I laid down before I should have and I had no control over my body which is the hardest thing ever. After a push and a half my son was out at 3:11pm. 5lbs 7oz of pure bliss he was the sweetest little guy I’ve ever laid my hands on.

Morale of the story when you know your body and you tell them the baby is coming and they don’t listen just do what your body is telling you to do they will eventually listen! ❤️

My son and daughter. 💙💖