Recent Miscarriage, Possibly Pregnant


Hey ladies. I miscarried Oct 25th at almost 10 weeks. I took an ovulation test because I had no idea what my “cycle” looked like now. When should I expect my period, ovulate, etc. long story short the ovulation test came back positive. I have had mixed information that once you ovulate that means your HcG is back down to a “non pregnant” level. I’ve started to feel nauseous, my boobs have swollen, and I’m exhausted. I took a pregnancy test to see, and low and behold it was REALLY positive.

So what I’m curious of, I’d have y’all heard the same thing that once you ovulate, that your HCG is back to >5 or a “non pregnant” level? Or is this a myth? I’m excited but I haven’t told anyone, not even my husband, because our miscarriage was a rollercoaster of emotions and I would hate to get his hopes up for nothing again.

According to when I ovulated, I should be 3 1/2 almost 4 weeks. Should I try to schedule an appointment with my doctor? Thank you ladies!