i really need someone to talk to right now.

i know it’s kinda late and this isn’t the place for this kind of thing, but i’m so desperate. i tried calling the suicide hotline and the wait is so long and i just need somebody. anybody. i’m so fucking alone and i’m just sitting in complete darkness, listening to the rain tap on my window at 1 AM.

i have to get ready for school in 4 hours and i know i should be asleep but i’ve been trying for 3 hours and i can’t . my mind won’t stop fucking going. everything that’s happened to me in the past is just hitting me like bricks right now. not even just that. it’s everything. i’m failing all my classes and i don’t even want to think about it because it stresses the hell out of me and i’m too overwhelmed to know where to start.

it hurts so bad. everything does. i’m crying and it hurts but at the same time it feels like nothing. god i just want to feel something again. i just want to be happy and i can’t. i have nobody and when i googled the suicide hotline the first thing that popped up was a little message that said “you are not alone” but that’s exactly what i am.

i just need someone to talk to right now. someone that cares. or someone to give me advice. god knows i need it right about now.

some things that have happened to me within the last month: i got pregnant, parents forced me to get an abortion, my boyfriend of a year cheated on me, terrible grades, bullied in school, verbally abused at home. i really need advice. i’m a freshman btw. i really really appreciate any comments i get on this. if you want if you leave a comment i’ll message you

edit: i’m not gonna kill myself im just upset rn. i just got put on prozac and it’s not working out too well lmao. i’m gonna try to get some sleep. goodnight everyone