Please think of us!

On Thanksgiving, at 5w5d, I had pain and spotting so I went to the ER to be safe, hoping to see baby on an ultrasound to calm my worries. They couldn’t see anything on the ultrasound and my HCG was only 420. They said it wasn’t bad, 420 was within the range of normal for that stage in pregnancy and they wouldn’t see anything on ultrasound until it was 1500+ HCG anyway. Said the spotting was caused by vaginosis.

Pain stopped that night, The spotting continued on Friday, was pretty much gone on Saturday, and today, only there a few times all day. I’ve still been taking pregnancy tests because I’m nervous and they’re getting lighter 😭 I’m supposed to go in tomorrow for a follow up HCG beta to see if it doubled. Praying that by some miracle it has and I have a bad batch of cheap pregnancy tests or something. I’m numb at the moment. I was so excited to announce my July baby on Christmas. If I miscarry I will have to wait forever it seems to try again and I have to take Clomid to get pregnant which isn’t fun 😭😭😭 I’m just so tired of this. I had a miscarriage with my first pregnancy and with my second I was scared the first half because of a sub chorionic hematoma that caused horrific bleeding. I want to get pregnant easily and have a calm, uneventful pregnancy. I can’t sleep.