What does your 2.5 year old know?

My son was born May 2017 and I feel like he’s a little behind. He has never been in daycare, and what he’s learned is from me and dad teaching him mostly. He has learned a few things from books and tv as well.

He can’t count on his own yet.

He can say his ABCs If I say them first he can just repeat them. He does do an ABC puzzle and knows the shapes of the letters and where they go. He knows over 200 words.

He can speak in 2-3 word sentences.

He knows his colors.

He knows his shapes.

He can tell me what he wants for breakfast lunch and dinner.

He can undress himself.

He knows his name and his sisters name.

He can draw a circle and a line.

He knows his age.

He knows which house is ours.

He knows the difference between dump trucks, cars, motorcycles, trains, planes, helicopters, ambulance, fire trucks, and the police.

He knows which car is mine and dads in a parking lot.

I just see so many May babies born around the same time as him saying full on sentences and knowing their ABCs and even counting to 10. If your child knows their numbers and ABCs what helped them learn it?