TTC for the third time after miscarriage in August


(Early miscarriage in August)

Alright ladies, here we go again with the TWW.. painful in of itself but pretty much killer after a miscarriage. The thought of not being pregnant, so painful because you just want to know that once again you have a little life within you. The thought of being pregnant, still scary because you’re no longer naive to the idea that not every pregnancy has a happy ending.

But still we persist, we hope, we love, we try ♥️

Because that’s what we do ♥️

Because it’s worth it, even for the pregnancies with little ones we never meet face to face. Why? Because we got to give them every bit of love in our hearts and that is always a beautiful thing, even if accompanied by pain ♥️

Trying twice, we still haven’t conceived. My husband is gone a month at a time so we can’t always try.

I’ve been really relaxed this whole cycle— I didn’t track ovulation for the first time in awhile, I don’t know why... it was actually liberating. My cycle is very consistent and my husband and I were very consistent 😏 So I likely either just ovulated or I am about to ovulate.

But now I can feel the nerves creep in.

That darn two week anticipation!!

Praying for peace, and to be able to keep my mind off of it all, and just be patient.

Please please let this be the time ❤️❤️