Miscarriage? Someone help.


So my last period was on September 19th, and when I missed my first period in October I instantly felt different (I’ve missed my periods dozens of times, I’ve suffered from irregular periods for a while) but something just felt different about this missed period, so I instantly started thinking I might be pregnant, I took a pregnancy test, and it came out negative. A week or so after taking that test a decided to take another test, still negative. When I missed my second period I took a 3rd test, and it still came out negative (after about 30 minutes or so it turned positive) On thanksgiving I asked one of my nursing friends to check, and feel around my stomach to see if I was pregnant, she said I was and told me to go to a doctor. (I haven’t been to a doctor due to not having a lot of free time) Sunday night I started to get what felt like my normal period cramps, so w the thought of possibly being pregnant in mind, I instantly think I’m having a miscarriage. All day Monday I continued to have the same cramps all day long, at around 3 or 4 I started to bleed, it’s bright red, not my normal amount of blood for my period, doesn’t fill a pad w/in an hour at all, no blood clots. I’ve also been tracking my pregnancy on an app, and it’s estimated that I’m about 10weeks. I don’t know if I should be alarmed, or just assume I’ve started my period.