He wanted it.. so I’m finally doing it *warning obtains abortion subject*

My boyfriend got my pregnant

Then constantly asked for an abortion every time we argued. Never had interest in the pregnancy. I’m 12 weeks and will be going in tomorrow. I feel numb. I can’t stop crying.

My bank account is non existent because I agreed to shut it off and let all of my funds go into a shared account with him.

I have no gas. No money.

I have to take my son out of pre kindergarten and move an hour away.

My son thought this man was his dad. We allowed him to call him daddy because I thought this was forever.

But every time we “break up” it’s like my son doesn’t exist. He also has a son, the same age.

I’m so torn and broken. I have to start over. Everything.

One day I will find a man that will want to love me and will want a baby with me.

But until then— I’m focusing on my son and my happiness no matter how deep in a shit hole I am in currently.