Baby talking??

My LO will be 1 in a week and he’s still not saying any words besides “dada” like 100 times a day lol. He has said “mama” in the past only a few times but quit after a couple of days. I’ve been a SAHM with him since the day he was born and he’s rarely around other kids but I talk to him and with him literally ALL day.. he understands multiple words but refuses to say them 🙄. His pedi isn’t too concerned since he’s with me all day and children seem to learn from each other but of course I’m a bit concerned when I hear other kids his age saying a few words 😕. Should I be worried? How do I encourage him to talk? I try to get him to say the word of whatever item it is that he wants but all he does is end up crying over it until I give In. On top of that, he literally laughs when I tell him to say a word soo