Embarassing Hygiene Story


When I was 15(now 16) I didn’t know for sure that I had a bladder leakage. I thought it was just discharge and it was regular(somewhat). But since it wasn’t it has sort of a pee/sour stench. We had a group trip and we’re on the bus for a long time and I wasn’t able to change it. When we go to our hotel my friend and this girl were dancing and i joined in. She was right behind me and she said “ew ur p***y stinks”. and then she said “i’m just kidding” and laughed. This girl is really mean and i’m scared that’s she’s told her friends and now she also has leverage over me to one day use. I’m just really scared and anxious. I don’t know what to do. Like one mistake I made could ruin my high school reputation and I just don’t know what to do. Any advice is helpful.