Was I Tricked

Kyla • I love my daughters and sons(r.i.p)and my husband💗blood donor🩸 and milk donor🤱🏼

Ok ladies I would like your opinion on something it's driving me nuts bear with me it's a long post. In 2016 I had my daughter vaginally after a 12 hour labor at 36 weeks with no major complications. In 2017 I had an emergency C-section at 28 weeks due to extreme blood loss due to placental abruption prolapsed cord and my water breaking sadly he didn't make it. I was diagnosed with an incompetent cervix. They told me I would have to have a cervical cerclage and the makena progestrone shots from week 14-35/36 weeks for every pregnancy. I became pregnant about 4 month with another little boy. We found out he had so many abnormalities it made him incompatible with life I carried him to 18 weeks after delivering him vaginally after a 6 hour labor. Fast forward roughly 4-7 months later I became pregnant again. Baby checks outs ok I get excited for a vbac. I get my cerclage start the shots. End up gestational diabetic deal with that. Fast forward to the last week before delivering my rainbow. I get the ball dropped on me my world crushed saying out of no where I have to have a C-section. Original plan was to remove the cerclage and to attempt a vbac. Then it changed to a C-section and the cerclage was to be removed and of the baby came out vaginally then they wouldn't stop her. Then it changed to the csection and remove the cerclage afterwards. He said he didn't want to chance my uterus rupturing because of the scarring on the lower part of my uterus/cervix where the other ob had to cut into to get my son out and with all the extra fluid surrounding the baby he was worried about her lungs not being completely developed and if they weren't they were going to transfer her to a different hospital in Indianapolis (I had her at Columbus Regional). I trusted this OBGYN so I reluctantly agreed to the csection with lots of ugly crying and tons of tissues. I ended up in labor that morning without realizing it. I was having alot of pressure before hand so didn't recognize the early contractions. Get to the hospital get hooked up and you could see contractions getting stronger. Her head was ready to come out. There was so much tugging to get her back up out of the birth canal it felt like they were ripping my chest off. She came out screaming and a whopping 8lbs 14 ozs. No problems what so ever other than a bit of jaundice in a couple days after her arrival. I feel like I was tricked into it. I felt like I could've had her easily. My husband and I want to try again in a year or two but I want a natural birth. What are my chances of being able to have one? Chances of uterine rupture? My incision both times is a low transverse.

Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to my post 😊