
Dulce • Married💍 | Mommy of two angels👼🏻👼🏻🖤

I finally have the courage to talk about and vent... it’s been so damn hard loosing my baby at 20 weeks 😓 I can’t even believe this happened to me. This was going to be our first child, it all happened so fast! My cervix dilated by itself😥 and the contractions were so strong... my baby was born Nov 29, 2019, he live for an hr. And i got to hold him and see him.. I miss him so much, I want him back, I want my bump back, my symptoms and eveything else! I’m in pain physically and mentally. It’s christmas time and I was suppse to have my bump this month, i had bought alot of cute dresses and shirts😢 It hurts... We want to try for our rainbow baby, but i’m scared this might happen again, i’m traumatize.

Did anyone loose their baby and had a successful pregnancy after?