Heartbroken please read

Megan • Megan💄 Ortho asst🦷 fur mom to two GSDs🐶 3 miscarriages 👼🏼 Gracie Mae🌺

This afternoon i dropped my LO off at my sisters. She’s 14 weeks and since day one she would not take a paci and we struggled with her taking a bottle (we finally got her to take mam and only is offered it when I’m at work or away.) well today my sister got her to a soothe paci and the bottle both with no problem. When i came to pick her up she would latch for me so i just let it go. Came home and tried again, nothing. She would cry when i tried!! Well i warmed up a bottle, gave her some then latched her. She took it just fine and then stopped. Tried again nothing- back to bottle and back to bob. Nope. I’m so scared that she is done bf and wants bottle only. What can i do? My heart hurts.