My daughter took herself potty in the middle of the night

Pen • 8/17 🌈👧🏼 | 11/19 🌈👦🏼| 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

So I've been up since 5 am with my newborn, and I discovered something interesting... when I went to use the bathroom I saw my daughter's plushy cat in there on the floor, so that made me think to check her potty.. sure enough there was a bunch of pee in her potty. I took the cat and put it back in bed with my daughter and noticed that she had her pajama pants and undies around her ankles. Little girl had taken herself potty in the middle of the night and got back in bed. Just wanted to share because I thought it was so weird. We still share a bedroom, so I had noticed that the bedroom door was open last night, but I figured it must have been opened by our pets, especially since my daughter was in her bed by the point i noticed the door open. We've been trying to teach her how to wipe herself and now I'm feeling like that's urgent, if she's going to be wandering to the potty by herself!