What are the odds of some of the folicles being devoid of eggs?


Yesterday, I went for my 8th day of stims transviginal ultrasound scan. The doctor observed 9 follicles various sizes and another 8 deemed too small as of yet size wise. She kept saying that follicle numbers do not automatically mean number of eggs granted upon retrieval. I am a bit confused because I was under the impression that almost all follicles contain at least one egg with some rare exceptions. What was your experience with the numbers of follicles observed during stims and the actual number of eggs retrieved. How many were mature upon collection? Additionally, she said that she does not know if the smaller ones will ever grow any further to catch up and if any how many expected to pick up the speed. I am literally scared that neither of the small will catch up and the majority of the bigger ones will turn up just empty and filled with liquid which will leave me with very few.