Azoospermia - Non Genetic


My SO was diagnosed with azoospermia a few months back. We were referred to a urologist who examined him and asked to check his sperm a second time , ordered genetic and hormone blood work.

Genetics are normal , hormones are bit on lower side ( don’t have exact numbers with me)

He was on clomid for 3 months and after a re - sperm check, results are the same (azoospermia )

We asked if he can be tested for some blockage but the doctor is convinced it’s not a block -based on the penis and testes examination and the volume of sperm produced . And basically refused to do an ultrasound

He said we have two options:

1. Continue clomid for 3-6 months OR

2 Sperm extraction.

We are back on clomid for now.

I am just wondering if we should get a second opinion . We are already wasting so much time in my opinion. We are both in our mid 30s.

Plus any doctor appointment here takes 1-2 months.

Please share your thoughts/ experiences/ stories that you might have