I’ve finally got to see my baby!


So me and my partner have been ttc for 5 long years. I was put on clomid September 2018 and managed to conceive on our first round but unfortunately this ended in misscarriage at 4 weeks. Was taking clomid for nearly a year and nothing, booked in to start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> in November and on my last round of clomid we managed to conceive!

I’ve been worried sick due to loss of our first pregnancy so decided to get an early scan and saw our baby for the first time, wriggling about, bum and feet in the air and saw and heard they’re beautiful little heartbeat, it was surreal! I’m so in love already and overwhelmed. I’m 11 weeks due 26/06/20 🥰🥰🥰