Anyone do IVF without genetic testing prior to Implantation?

D • 29. Married. TTC #1 since Feb.2018


So I had my final <a href="">IVF</a> consult and the dr told us she doesn’t think genetic testing is necessary...

I’ve never known anyone who hasn’t done it..

I’m 28 and she said due to my age and results, anything the makes it to day 5 will probably be a good embryo.

She said they usually recommend genetic testing for women in their 30s. She informed us it was up to us if we still wanted to , but she doesn’t see it as a necessary if we wanted to save $$

My husband doesn’t want to do it now, says we should leave something to god throughout this process .. he also said in a normal pregnancy, we wouldn’t do it until after pregnancy anyways- which is true.

Anyone else do <a href="">IVF</a> without any genetic testing?

Should I be worried?