Help! Baby barely sleeps and only sleeps while nursing and being held!


My baby will be 4 weeks in 4 days, but the more time passes the worse his sleep schedule is getting. He hasn’t been sleeping for 3h straight for days, the longer he sleeps for is 2h and that’s usually once a day or twice if I’m lucky. The problem is, he will nurse and fall asleep nursing, but as soon as I put him in his bassinet he wakes up and cries again until I nurse him again so he can fall back to sleep. Most of the time I just hold him even after he’s done nursing but I can’t hold him for longer than like an hour so that is literally the most sleep he gets most of the time because I need to put him down again. I don’t know what to do anymore. We barely sleep at night because I can’t be holding and nursing him the entire night😩 he won’t take a pacifier either, he seems to want and need to fall asleep nursing plus being held to stay asleep. He is gaining weight just fine and has tons of dirty diapers so I know he is healthy, I just don’t know how to break the need to nurse to fall asleep or how to make him stay asleep even after I put him in his bassinet. I feel like I nurse at least 15 times a day. Is this normal? Is there anyway I can make things better without having to just let him cry (don’t want to do that).