Epic fail 🥴🤦


So I went out with a group of friends at a bar. It was lady's and I hadn't been out or drank in like 3years. As I downed my 3rd glass this girl walked up to the juke box and was picking a song. She was hot as hell! When she found a song she liked she started dancing and I was absolutely mesmerized. Let me go ahead and say I have NEVER tried to flirt in public before. One of my friends noticed me over obvious interest in her and decided to take the matter in his own hands. He walked over and when I realized what he was doing I was literally bright red embarrassed and dying. Sure enough they both look over, he points to me, they say a few things back and forth and then he waves me over. Kill me. So I try to walk as smoothly as my overly panicked/drunk ass can manage. He introduces us then FUCKING LEAVES. Needless to say I fail big time. I say a few good manner chit chat shit then slink back to my hole....😭😭😭 Any tips on how to not sound like a total idiot next time?