Praying for a sticky bean

Nichelle • #mommieboss #babyM2020👣👼🏽💙 ✨ #mindsetmatters

This past Tuesday I took my last pregnancy test off a gut feeling. The 2nd line popped up within 2mins. I’m was completely shocked 😳. So that would put me at 8dpo. I never had a positive test (Its been 14months) before so I didn’t know how to feel. With it being so early I was extremely nervous it could have been a false positive. So today I went out and bought more 😃. I finally worked up enough nerve to pee on a stick, never thought it could be this hard lol. Well here at 4:30 in the afternoon my double lines appeared within seconds. Today will make me 12dpo. I’m praying it sticks🤞🏽😍.

Test from Tuesday 8dpo

Test from this afternoon at 12dpo