Male infertility is a bitch

I feel so alone. Male infertility is such a bitch and I don’t know of anyone in my situation.

Neither of us have kids and have been trying for almost 3 years.

He never wants to talk about it and I always wonder if we will ever be parents?

If I’ll ever have that “missed period “

If I’ll ever get to do a pregnancy announcement .

If I’ll ever have a gender reveal .

If I’ll ever have a baby shower .

Hear someone call me “mom” and someone call him “dad” .

Feel the kicks of a baby inside my uterus.

Feel all the emotions of labor and delivery.

Wondering if we will ever learn how to parent a child who relies on us.

It’s grieving the unknown and a feeling you never thought would happen to you or your spouse.

Sex isn’t fun anymore. It turned into a job that now we know we will never conceive naturally .

Hearing all your friends and co workers announce their pregnancy or talk about wanting to get pregnant “again”. And deep down being angry cause you have no idea if that will ever be you.

When you want to be happy for others but deep down you’re being torn apart and no one knows or catches on.

& the worst part is always being asked when you’re going to get pregnant and when do you want to have kids and people having no clue all the hell, doctor appointments, and bills you have piled up just hoping and praying to have a baby.