I was beat up on


Im 17. I was in a 10 month relationship, my first love. A beautiful 19 year old with a broken past. I did everything to fix him. I lost myself to the point i didnt care if we were together or not. So we broke up around middle of October. Then i hooked up with my previous ex and caught an std, karma right. I get what i deserve. He has pushed me, kicked me, screamed so violently at me spit was flying. All while sober. The same month (oct 26) he got blackout drunk and choked me out twice. Then two days later he went through my phone and deleted evidence of him telling me to go die, thankfully I retrieved it all back. I fought him back because i just wanted my phone and wanted to go home. He pushed me so rough i had bruises. That night once i finally got home i told my mom everything. The std, the bruises, the abuse. That night I admitted myself to the hospital to be evaluated. Since i was there from abuse the police were called. I stayed in the ER for a day waiting for a room in the psych ward. I was there for 3 days, it was traumatic as fuck. About a week after coming back home I fulfilled the police report. A few days later a detective wants to talk to me. They had the pictures of the bruises from the forensic nurse in the hospital. About a week later he was arrested with 2 counts of domestic violence/ battery. He made bond of $5,000, but only 10% had to be paid so he paid $500 and was out less that 24 hours later. The day i fought out he was in jail all his friends were saying “fuck that bitch, free him” “lying ass bitch” “you called the cops because he didnt want you after you got an std” the truth is, some days he wanted me for me even with an std, and some days he just wanted to kill me. Yesterday (dec 7) i got a letter from the city in the mail telling me i have a court date for the 20th. They couldnt charge him with a felony because i didnt take a picture of the huge red marks around my neck. Not their words but pretty much what they implied. I really need some support right now because i still feel very alone and very unwanted. I just wish he never existed.