

I am going through a miscarry. Based off my last period I would be 8 weeks. I didn’t have my first ob appointment til I would have been 10 weeks. They wouldn’t do them any sooner. I started bleeding on thanksgiving. Dark brown blood then it was red just when I wiped. Called my ob they checked my hcg a couple of time and my hcg was dropping. My last lab test I never even got a call that my level had dropped I had messaged the office the next day and said I seen my labs drop so I guess I’m having a miscarriage. They respond yes and to expect cramps and more bleeding. That was it no appointment no ultrasound to check for ectopic no I’m sorry. Just get blood drawn every 2 weeks until it’s 0. Wasn’t even offered an ultrasound to confirm miscarriage or to check for ectopic. I had to call and beg for one because I’m having sharp pains in my ovaries that come and go. We have had previous miscarriages and it took us a long time to get pregnant. We have fertility issues. I’m just so upset with the office. I just want to know if this is the norm.