Possible implantation bleeding


Hey ladies I've been getting pink, tan, brown, sometimes red spitting for more than 7 days now my predicted period dates are 8,14,15,29th of Dec.

On Dec 8 since the pregnancy tests were negative me and hubs had sex and I had a bit of ewcm with blood in it sorry for tmi details, my period still hasnt come on full force at all just spotting no cramps(usually sex with sperm jumpstart the flow for my period which didnt happen).

I'm almost 4mths pp we formula feed we chose to just do whatever happens happens but I am a mad woman trying to stay calm without going crazy with wondering whether or not I could be pregnant again I just want a finally answer and I'm not getting it.

*Cervix is high soft closed and pointing towards my butt.*

Pic in comments of Sunday cm