How much is everyone’s baby drinking?

Suzanne • One ☀️ baby👧🏻2/14/17, one Angel 👼🏼Oct 2018, one🌈👶🏻 11/21/19 All conceived via IUI

My daughter will be 3wks old on Thursday and the last couple days she is wanting to drink more at each feeding than before!

She is breast and formula fed because I am not producing as much as she wants/needs!

If I nurse her I typically do 15-20min each side but then she wants more immediately after, so I used to offer an oz and that kept her content for a while but now she needs 2oz after and sometimes an hour after that she wants more!

She only takes a pacifier sometimes and def when hungry she won’t take it and nothing else calms her down till she gets that milk.

This morning after sleeping 6hourssssss she wasn’t content until she had 5oz, all within a 1.5hr window. Seems like a lot to me🤷🏻‍♀️ my first wasn’t this greedy so I’m confused lol

When pregnant with my first I didn’t really get crazy hungry or want weird things but this time I did, maybe she is just a hungry girl? My first was 6lb 12oz and this girl was 8lb 3oz at birth so bigger so maybe that’s it?

Anyone else??

Milk drunk 🍼