Night time struggles


My little man is 2 weeks old. Days and nights are backwards, which I know is normal, but now he gets extremely fussy in the evening and all through the night. He cluster feeds but also looks like he’s in pain while nursing. He won’t nurse well and will spit out milk sometimes. He has a lot of gas and a lot of poopy diapers. This is like a switch that turns on at night! From about 7pm to 7am he’s uncomfortable, crying and struggles to sleep and eat. During the day he eats and sleeps like a pro. I think my family thinks I’m making this up because he is so good during the day.

This really doesn’t feel normal 😖 and it breaks my heart to see him like this. Not to mention I do not sleep more than a few hours total in a day now.

Anyone have a similar experience they can share tips with?