
Okay, so as of today I have started doing CrossFit and I am just going to use this as a place to keep myself accountable. Just me knowing that others know I slacked today or didn’t do it helps me to do better.

The class we did today worked on a push press and exercises that will help us better do that exercise. The bar bell weighed 15 lbs and I put 5 lbs on each side when doing strength training going up to a 10 each side, but form was not great.

As of Dec 10 2019 I weigh 224.2 lbs - I am also 6 foot 2

After the workout my legs are really sore - almost instantly - but I am not out of breath and can’t do anything after. Like when I run I get so out of breath I feel like there is cotton or something in my throat. With CrossFit you do not get this way. After 5 mins I’m good, sore, but good and don’t feel like dying.

I hope this helps someone that wants to start but doesn’t know how

10/10 would recommend