High Risk + UTI


29 weeks/4 days

I definitely have an UTI. The symptoms were really subtle until last night so I thought it was hormonal(3rd baby). I’ve been sleeping most days due to extreme back pain/ligament pain. I didn’t sleep at all last night because of these symptoms. I know it’s probably because I’m dehydrated and now I’m extremely nauseous and unable to eat. I was released from last year ob for being high risk(Intrauterine Growth Restriction=baby in 4th percentile) and the new ob has to renew my records before they accept me=2-5 days(I’m on day 2)....therefore no appointment to schedule with anyone yet. Any suggestions on if I could wait a day or should I just say screw it and go to ER? Btw: this morning i have been flooding my system with water/unsweetened cranberry juice.