Feeling silly after HSG 😂

EmmaJ • 10/12/14 ❤️ 20/08/17 💍 TTC baby #1 👶🏼

So, I had my HSG this morning, was it fun? No. I just thought that I would give my experience, just so those people like me can read and try to prepare themselves.

Now I know everyone is different and I worried myself silly about this test. I was feeling sick all morning and I was shaking before the test even started.

I arrived at my appointment 10 minutes beforehand, I was shown to the waiting room before a assistant came to get me. She showed me to a cubicle room where I had to get undressed and remove any jewellery and put on the two gowns. After I'd done this she took me through to the xray room where there was 3 other people that were going to be there during the procedure. She introduced me. We had a conversation and I had to sign a concent form. I also had to take 6 tablets (antibiotics).

They got me to lie on the table and this is where things started, the speculum was uncomfortable (found out that my cervix was sitting at a funny angle so this was probably why). The tube was inserted, this I didn't feel. She then blew up the balloon and I felt slight cramping, then comes the dye and wow, the intense pain that I felt.. I said out loud 'jesus'. I've never felt pain and pressure like it. A few seconds and it was literally done, the balloon was deflated and the pain subsided immediately. However I couldn't control my breathing through the pain and ended up having a panic attack. I had pins and needles in my hands and feet and my hands tightened and I couldn't move. The nurses were brilliant and gave me a bag and I controlled my breathing and I was OK after about 10 minutes. She then told me that my tubes were clear and asked me if I wanted to see the pictures. I cried immediately due to relief that everything was OK. After this i got changed and left.

I know everyone handles pain different and everyone's experiences are different. This was just mine. I feel silly now, but the nurses were great and I'm glad it's done. Hopefully now we can relax a little more and continue trying until we're told about any next steps 😁