Waiting and still wanting


Hello, everyone! I'm Ashlynn 22, married and I have a almost 1 year old baby boy. My husband and I have both agreed we'd want to start trying again for another when out little is around 1.5 so our kids could be around 2-3 years apart. I'm TOTALLY okay with this and have no problems whatsoever.

But.... I can't stop thinking about it. I'm a huge planner and like to prepare way ahead of time.

I really do want to wait because I don't want to be pregnant right now, plus we're also still nursing.

I feel awful wishing the next few months would just speed by because I want to enjoy each and every moment with just my boy. It also doesn't help that I think he'll be such a great big brother because he's seriously the sweetest with other kids.

Anyone else going through something like this? What helped you to enjoy just being where you are but yet looking toward to the future?