Weight loss tips?


I'm looking for some tips on how to better my gym routine and lose weight faster, in a healthy way of course.

I'm a 22 year old female, I go to the gym 4-5 days a week. I normally do low weight, high rep weight training and jog a mile on the treadmill afterwards. I try to keep my nutritiom as healthy as I can, but it could be better. But I don't eat a lot of junk food or snack often so its not like I'm sitting around being a pig.

I know spot reducing isn't possible, but my main concern is my back. I don't know how or why but I have very large rolls in about the middle of my back, right under my bra straps. Whats your best tips for overall weight loss and anything that might help with my back issue??

Also please don't judge, I'm very new to working out and I'm also had a baby a year ago so I'm just trying to get back in shape. I already feel bad enough about how I look so please don't make ot worse.