IUI concerns(long post)


So recently we found out my husband has no sperm and that is something to do with his productive track. They also told us even if with did the surgery to try and retrieved some sperm we would only be looking at about a 30% chance of finding any. Thankfully me and him had already discussed other options because we were preparing for the worst. So I’m waiting for a call back to see a specialist and start the process of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> with a donor. Not sure what to expect and have some mixed feelings about it.

On one hand I’m excited that he is open to our other options but on the other hand I am nervous because what if the child we conceive has a medical issue and they need to know the fathers family history. Ugh just super confused and just wondering if any one else is going through this