Someone talk some sense into me!


Okay ladies, I messed up and tested early. I promised I would wait until the day of my missed period but I clearly lack the restraint 😅

I did 100 mg clomid and Ovidrel 250 this round. I triggered 10 days ago with an approx. 30 mm follicle. I tested this morning, expecting it to be negative, but there was a faint yet clearly visible line. It was darker than I remember my test being at 10 dpt last time. My trigger was tested out to negative at 10-11 dpt last cycle.

I will test in the next day or two to see if it gets darker, but I'm driving myself crazy in the meantime. It's hard not to get my hopes up. Someone talk me down!!!

(Unless there's hope, then please tell me that too. We've been at this for 2 years, I'm starting to lose it 😳)