Anyone else's kid have mega cowlicks?

Visceral Mercenary • May you find your worth in the waking world.

How do you guys deal with them? Jaime has three, all on the crown of his head. I mostly deal with it by giving him a fohawk. I'd really like to grow his hair out a little because he has such beautiful red hair, but I can't get them to stay down. Buzzcuts don't suit him because his head is in the 90th percentile and his height is under the first percentile. I can get the ones on the side to lay down at this length if I blow dry his hair and apply pomade. But that middle one never stays down! I do like his cowlicks, don't get me wrong.. they have such character, but I would love to get them to lay down every once in a while.

My 15 month old has one too, but only one and it lays down if I brush his hair to the side.