OB/gyn vent

I just turned 38 and after an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> my husband and I are very excited to be pregnant. Crazy thing though we had twins that self selected to 1, which is actually a relief for us.

Anyway we were hoping to do an NIPT but can’t because of the vanishing twin so our options for testing are a NT scan (no blood work), and CVS or amnio. The Dr. discussed the discussed the difference and we also had a consult with a genetics counselor. So we got lots of information about the two tests but when I asked the OB for an option about which one I should do the response was that it is completely patient choice. I can understand why he wouldn’t want to sway me one direction over another if something went wrong but still, feeling very brushed off by his response. Should I bring this up to

him? My husband doesn’t think it’s a big deal since we were leaning towards one already.