High school's pom squad or dance school's troupe???


Which one should I do?!?!?!?! Please help 😩😩😩

Pom squad: cheer + dance team (part of spirit squad), tryouts in late March

Troupe: competition team of the dance place I go to, tryouts in June

Pom squad pros: most practices during school day (leaves plenty of time for hw), getting involved in school, slightly less expensive, performing at local college's basketball half time show, not as time consuming

Pom squad cons: can only take core classes because my schedule would be too full for electives with the classes pom squad requires (2 semesters of weights and 2 semesters of band), only "band festivals" instead of competitions, judgement from peers (they judge spirit squad girls a lot), only one style of dance

Troupe pros: can take electives since it's not through school, wanted to do troupe for the last 7 years, get to compete, performing at local college's basketball half time show, more impressive than pom squad for colleges, no judgment from school, can do my favorite style of dance, can do solos

Troupe cons: slightly more expensive, all classes after school (less time for hw), means I wouldn't be involved at school at all, would be dancing with girls a lot younger than me

I'm a freshman rn but both of these would be for next year (sophomore year). I obviously can't do either one after high school. I'm worried that I won't have enough time junior year. Due to the expectations placed on me for my school performance (all A's is expected in preferably advanced classes) I don't think I'll be able to do both even though I really want to. If I decide to forgo pom squad tryouts assuming I'll make troupe and I don't, I can't go back and audition for pom squad. Please help!!! I don't know what to choose!!!