Bedtimes/wake windows


Hi everyone! My July baby will be 17 months on December 29th. The past week and a half, we have been experiencing some early morning wakings. He has been waking up between 5:15 and 5:30 (this morning it was actually 4:40 😳). He never whines or fusses but he is definitely awake. I start getting ready for work around 5:15 so I would probably never even know he was awake if I wasn’t already awake and looking at the monitor. I’m just curious if any of you have experienced this lately. He is still on two naps per day and is always ready for both which is why we haven’t made the transition to one nap yet. Part of me feels like his last wake window before bed is too long for him. We have been stretching him to 4 hours awake before bed and I have noticed this kind of lines up with when the early morning wakings have started. How long are your July babies awake before bedtime? He normally sleeps 11 hours and 20 minutes overnight and around 2 hours and 20 minutes total of daytime sleep. Thanks in advance for any help/tips!