How can I get my 2 year old to stop wasting food?

This might seem like a silly question but my two year old wastes so much food and it’s starting to irritate me. So she eats breakfast around 6:30am and then snack time is about 10am she tells me she’s hungry so I ask what she wants for snack and she tells me a banana, she literally takes a bite out of it and then walks over to the kitchen and throws it in the bin. All too quick for me to stop her as she doesn’t tend to eat snack at the table (that’ll be a tantrum for another day, not today though) does anyone else’s toddlers do this or know how I can get her to stop? Obviously she’s just wasted snack time now but she’ll do this with any of her meals, this morning she put her cereal in the bin and only ate grapes and cheese. I know the obvious answer is she isn’t really hungry but she does this whether we offer her multiple snacks a day or just one