I need a little help calming my nerves :\


I think I’ve talked about this before but tomorrow I finally start birth control and I really do not want to... at all. I’m 17 and my mom is not budging about me starting birth control. Of course I understand and I don’t mind because I am sexually active (she doesn’t know that yet lol) and I have a heart attack almost every time my period is 5 minutes late lol. But the only thing is, my mom is forcing me to go to on Nexaplon and isn’t letting me explore the other options of birth control. I struggle with anxiety and depression, and I’ve currently been going through an episode for about a month now but within the past 2 weeks, it’s gotten pretty bad. I also have been struggling with my skin for almost a year and it’s finally starting to actually clear up after monthss of it freaking out. I also have very normal and easy cycles. They’re very easy to keep up with and I rarely get off track... i like having that consistency and peace of mind. I’m reallly afraid that starting this birth control is going to cause my mental health to decrease even more than it is right now and my skin to go back to the state is was earlier in the year. Which was bad... really bad. So if any of you are on Nexaplon, I’d like to know how you guys are doing on it and the pros and cons you’ve experienced from it. I’d really appreciate you guys honesty to help calm my nerves. Thanks everyone 💕