What gives AF


So I'm 2 days late.

Hubby had me take a test the day before my period was due (Saturday) cuz he felt like I should've started already. He says I've started early every cycle for the past few months. I laughed thinking nahhh I'm not even late.. well it looked negative but he saw the faintest of faint lines. So then I got anxious so I was like I'll test the following morning (Sunday. Day period was due) cuz fmu is supposed to be what you use anyway.. Again faint line. It was really light. So later that day after a 5+ hour hold, I took another test. FAINT LINE. Decided to try again Monday cuz they say the line should get darker if pregnancy is the culprit. I didn't see a line. So I thought eh I'll probably start soon. But still no af. If I still haven't started, I'm going to test again tomorrow (Wednesday). But what gives? I know I could've ovulated late or maybe it's a chemical pregnancy or maybe it's stress? But it's very frustrating to feel like I'm finally getting a handle on my cycles and then be thrown for a loop. 😂 AF got me confuseddd as hell!

Has anyone had something like this happen and been pregnant? Have you been through this and ended up getting your period? Thoughts?