Does anyone else get sad when they get their period, after months of trying?

I’m trying to find the humor in my deep frustrations and sadness after months of trying to conceive (and I know there’s others who have been trying for years) and I can’t imagine the hurt and frustration they must go through every month after the endless days of tracking your ovulation, peeing on sticks, checking your daily temperature etc etc. I’m sure I’ve left out other million things that women do in order to conceive.

The first few months of trying, I didn’t get upset as I do now. I thought “well, i knew it wasn’t going to be easy” but after trying for almost a year now it seems like each month of getting my period is like a stab into my heart and uterus so to speak. So if I don’t keep my wits about me, I’m afraid I’ll sink deeper into depression.

When I was 30, (so four years ago) after feeling so sick for many months and years I finally got the answer to why I was feeling so sick, I was diagnosed with Lupus. It runs in my family so it wasn’t a shock to hear and I have been really great about managing my long range of symptoms, and have been medication free for years. I still wake up feeling god awful some days, but for the most part I’m feeling okay!

Most doctors, and information about trying to conceive with lupus isn’t positive, the words “can cause infertility issues” never bothered me before trying to conceive, and now every month after trying so hard to conceive naturally, I get my period and have a good cry. I allow myself to feel sad, and then try to find the hope to start all over again next month.

I just wanted to see how many others feel the pain I do each month of getting your period? How many others get sad when people ask “when are you gonna have a baby?”.... What do you say, or do when insensitive people say things like “just have a baby already!”, “I would start trying to have a baby because you never know how long it can take!”

How do you find the courage not to snap at others, and how do you find the courage to stay positive and try again each month? After many months of trying, and seeing others get pregnant so easily (although nobody posts how long they have been trying) how do you keep going?

I could use all the baby dust wishes, I could get. And for anyone else who feels the same as I do. I hope your baby dreams come true soon too. ✨♥️🙏🏽