My dad

Who else has a bad relationship with their father? I know I have it better than some, but he plays favorites with my brother, the only boy in the family and puts no effort into any kind of relationship with his daughters.

He also has a short temper and says very mean things when he gets upset and I just have so much hurt and hate towards him I can hardly even talk to him without being resentful.

I’m getting married in 2 1/2 weeks and I can hardly stand the idea of him walking me down the aisle, but it’s what’s expected since he’s my mothers husband and my father. He got mad tonight at me and said he won’t even bother coming and will just go to work instead, and then he won’t have to worry about taking work off for it. That hurt but at the same time I feel like I would be relived and not really care in a way. But I know he’ll be there anyways.

I guess I’m just venting and wondering if anyone could relate, or have words of comfort or wisdom. Just needed to get it off my chest. Thanks ladies♥️