Family or partner

I recently let it slip to my boyfriend that I was molested as a child. I have had 12 years to find ways to heal from this and 5 years ago felt that I had completely got passed it and forgave the people who did that to me. Both were very close family members. That being said my boyfriend does not understand how I have forgave them and in a way has made me think I was wrong to get over it. I have also never told anyone but him and my best friend. My boyfriend has a daughter and I completely understand him not wanting us near these family members but I don’t know how to tell my dad or if I should. Do I tell my dad and destroy my family or do I break l with the love of my life? Keep in mind the way I’ve gotten passed it is that I feel like we were all young and I strongly believe neither one of those people are like that anymore. I was 10 and they were 15.