Awake Times


Are anyone else’s babies awake times really short? My little guy is 4.5 months and tired after 1 hour of being awake. And this is after 1.5-2hr naps. He starts yawning,red between eyes, rubbing eyes. He self soothes and puts himself to sleep without a cry at usually 1hr25 min after being awake(almost exactly). Is this awake period abnormally short? Maybe he is just bored. I can’t really go anywhere when he’s only awake for an hour and 25 min at a time...

He sleeps 12.5-13 hrs over night with 3 feeds on average. And then naps for 4 hrs total a day usually....supper happy baby all the time except if he gets over tired. EBF....but only spends a total of an hour a day feeding. Usually 4-8 min feeds 8-10 times a day.

He sleeps so much it seems!