Fingers Crossed one day


So at school you are taught to keep protected from pregnancy and the methods about contraception...I thought for years I was keeping myself protected however at School we were never taught about PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) this is something at the age of 28 I have only just learnt about. This is something the Dr possibly may diagnose me with, today was the day of my scan, not to see if I’m pregnant but to check out my ovaries. I cannot believe how naive I have been and how I’ve been taught how ‘easy’ it is to fall pregnant, but for some people it really isn’t!

Pregnancy is a wonderful thing! And I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy to not be able to experience this. So why me? I don’t understand I really don’t. I mean my experience with infertility is just a small fraction of what some women experience. Pregnancy and having my own little family is something I have always wanted, the day my other half told me he wanted to start trying for a family I was over the moon! I had this plan all set up, I would finish my pill at the end of July, start taking my folic acid religiously, I bought all the pregnancy test and the ovulation sticks I was so excited. And we are now in December and I have had just one period since stopping my pill. I feel so deflated, I feel tired and useless. The one job I wanted to be great at is to be a Mum. But that dream is getting further and further away.

I needed to get what is in my head out, I can go to my friends and family about this but I put on a front but behind I am literally falling apart, so for some reason this is easier for me to post this to you guys else I will just cry if I say it out loud.

Praying for those two lines soon 🤞🏼🙏