SIL also pregnant

I am 18 weeks pregnant, 25 years old. We are very blessed in our life’s and are honestly so ready for a baby.

SIL is 25 weeks pregnant at 16 years old. She is trying to get her life right but she’s in high school, been in and out of juvie, hit her parents, as well as so many other horrific, unimaginable things. She trapped an older guy by telling him she was on BC when she knew she wasn’t and knew she was ovulating. It is so messed up and I worry greatly about this baby.

She has been nothing but passive aggressive and conniving since she found out my husband and I are expecting. It doesn’t connect in her head that everyone is very worried about her having a baby so young because of how she is and she is so jealous of everyone being excited for us. She had told me about countless things not being “normal,” or anything could happen since I was in the very early days, she also commented on how I wouldn’t show because I’m “heavier.” She weighs the exact same as me, btw!!! Neither of us are that overweight. She thinks she knows more than my OB because she can use Google. I think she secretly wishes for something bad to happen to our baby by the way she talks.

She will ask things about my pregnancy, which I’ll stupidly answer thinking maybe we can be friends and get over this high school drama. She will then turn whatever around like I just gave her an excuse to talk about herself. This happens literally daily. When I ask her how she is I genuinely care and listen to her!! I am about ready to just quit completely.

Even when I am trying to talk to MIL (who is amazing by the way and SO excited for our baby) about my pregnancy, or planning the baby shower, etc SIL will butt in and talk about herself or what she’s doing for her shower. Maybe I’m petty but this annoys me terribly.

It recently came up that my shower is going to be around her due date. I want my shower around 30 weeks so I still feel pretty good and have plenty of time to get everything organized and buy what we don’t get. I felt like the chances of this affecting her were insanely small and I wasn’t worried. SIL tells me how funny it would be for her to go into labor at my baby shower. AGAIN making something to do with my pregnancy/shower about HER. I just want to enjoy my pregnancy, and especially my baby shower without worrying about her drama ruining it. I told my husband I don’t want her at the shower and he agrees. I know I am probably being selfish but I feel like it’s my time to be selfish and enjoy this time in my life. This is our first child.

*edited to add she will be 38 weeks at my shower*

Has anyone else experienced this sort of thing? I hate drama and just want to enjoy our pregnancy, we have waited and planned so long for this little baby.