My husband doesn't have feeling for me anymore

Ajaa • Romell's Mama (3 year old) 🤞🏾😍 Ryan Wife for (4 years) 🤞🏾😍 👶🏾 Aubriel's Mama (newborn)

So the caption says it all. He doesn't love me anymore. Been together 4 year married for 3 with 2 kids! I have said some really really mean things to him before through out our relationship, we never get out on our own with friends (because of me, because I want to be up under my husband) and he's at his breaking point. He doesn't say he loves me, doesn't kiss me, we barely talk, he doesn't touch me! All I want to do is cry. I haven't eaten in 4-5days. I'm losing so much weight. I'm going through postpartum depression! We have a 6 weeks old and 2 year old! Like is marriage counseling even worth it or what? Please give me advice. I don't want to lose my husband and I feel like I already have.