Silent miscarriage HELP


I hope this is okay to post here:

So on the 17/12/2019 me and my partner was on our way to our first pregnancy scan. We was both so excited to see our future bubba for the first time. From the moment we got the ultrasound appointment through it’s all we could talk about. When the day come I had a bad feeling, I told myself it was just my anxiety and we went. When we got there I was told I didn’t drink enough and the picture wasn’t clear. We couldn’t see a thing nor could the Sonographer. She then, done a transvaginal ultrasound, and after a matter of seconds of the ultrasound equipment being inside me, told me there was no heartbeat and she was going to get another member of staff. I laid there anxiously telling myself she had made a mistake. The other member of staff came along, she was in the room all of 20 seconds and also confirmed no heartbeat. When they both left the room me and my partner just cried. There was nothing we could say or do. The Sonographer said she was sorry for our loss and to go to see the nurse to discuss our options for how I’m going to pass the baby. It all felt so much in so little time. I’m measuring 7+3 but should be roughly a few days more than that. Does anyone have any advice?? I don’t know if I’m in denial or if something genuinely isn’t right with this diagnosis?! We was in and out the hospital in 23 minutes and it just seems such an intense diagnosis for such little time. I have no symptoms (though I understand you don’t usually with a “silent miscarriage”) but I need some advice.. do you think I should get re-tested or wait for nature to take its course?? This is mental torture 😭