Just got the baby to sleep


Baby has been sleeping in her bassinet for literally 15 min. And it’s a struggle to have her stay sleeping already, but then.... my SO’s 15 year old son shows up with not 1 but 3 friends! And one friend is a girl.. what parent let’s their 15 year old daughter hang out with 3 boys this late at night?? What in the actual fu**!!!!! They slam the door and are like “heyyyy Chris!!!” (To my SO). I’m all the way in the back of the house with the bedroom door cracked and hear everything and they woke the baby. I’m like raging right now. I swear I can feel my blood pressure rising... Now who has to sit up with the baby til she falls back asleep? Me! Will she even fall back asleep? Idk. Super pissed. I went out there and told them, not asked, told, “keep it down, it’s past 11pm and the baby is sleeping!!” They looked at me with stupid looks on their faces, then I marched back to the bedroom. These teenagers have absolutely NO RESPECT! I will not raise my daughter to be an inconsiderate little jerk. That’s for sure. Now they’ve been in and out of the house 4 times in the past 5 minutes. Stop slamming the door morons! Omggggggg. If I could afford a hotel I’d leave for the night. Someone send help lol